About Us

What we do?

About Us

Freebiolabs is an E-lab platform that facilitates STEM learning, bridging the gap between education and access to lab equipment by leveraging remote technology. With extensive theoretical explanations, interactive graphics, and external links for further studies, freebiolabs empowers learners by providing unrestricted access to comprehensive resources - striving to fulfil its vision of equitable education.


Exploring New Frontiers

Why did we make Freebiolabs?

Our Story

During the coronavirus pandemic, we, as STEM learners ourselves, observed how students were unable to access their school labs and further their practical/experimental learning. Assuming that this problem was unique to the pandemic, we did not pursue this problem any further, as the world approached the post pandemic era. Upon further research however, our team found out that inequitable access to lab infrastructure was an alarming problem, especially in our locality where according to a survey in 2017, only 1/3 of Delhi Government(public) schools had science labs. Recognizing this gap, Freebiolabs was born.
In a nation whose population is disproportionately constituted by youths, freebiolabs hopes to help empower these youths by promoting scientific temperaments and providing the opportunity to pursue science academically. Join us as a volunteer, chapter lead, or core team member to do your part!